NEWS | May 3, 2015
Notes from the Field

The team members' buggy carries an ELBARA III radiometer, a GNSS-R reflectometer known as LARGO, as well as multi-spectral sensors. Photo by Muhsiul Hassan, Monash University, Australia
Members of the "Buggy Team" in Australia made a visit to the grazing focus areas, southeast of the Yanco site. They did some roving transects with the buggy (which carries an ELBARA III radiometer, a GNSS-R reflectometer known as LARGO, as well as multi-spectral sensors) and a 4WD towing an EMI for the measurement of soil conductance.
On their way, they met Team B, led by Luigi Renzullo from CSIRO, who were also getting familiar with the HDAS and their sampling areas.