The tutorial workshop was hosted by the U.S. Geological Survey at the USGS National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Dr., Reston, VA on October 17-18, 2012.

Workshop Goals

  • Identify a large target audience for multi-sensor hydrology data
  • Understand user requirements for using soil moisture and other NASA data in various fields of hydrology
  • Merge mission data in order to leverage research in hydrology and water management
  • Identify data models and research where SMAP, GPM, GRACE-FO and SWOT can help address climate and hydrology policy questions
  • Promote Early Adopter research and collaboration opportunities


[[LINK||FILE:smap2/Agenda_Oct_12_final.pdf||Final Agenda||]]


Presentations Page


Please fill out the [[LINK||FILE:smap2/Survey.docx||Workshop Survey||]] and return to Vanessa Escobar (email below).


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