News | June 8, 2009
SMAP Algorithms & Cal/Val Workshop, Oxnard, CA

The workshop provided a forum to review the project Algorithm Theoretical Basis Documents (ATBDs) and Cal/Val plan, solicit input from experts in these areas, resolve key issues, and develop implementation plans. Approximately 1.5 days each were dedicated to the algorithms and Cal/Val topics.
During the formulation phase SMAP science activities include development of sensor and geophysical product algorithms and a Cal/Val plan. Related to these are a number of scientific issues that can benefit from resolution and review by the broad science community. Plans and decisions arising from community discussions of these issues have significance for identifying research needs and allocating resources.
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/attendees_090615.pdf||List of Workshop Participants]]
Agenda & Presentations
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/agenda_090606.pdf||Agenda]] Workshop presentations are posted below as available.
Introduction Session
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0101_Jackson_Workshopintro.pdf||Opening/Introduction]] T. Jackson/M. Moghaddam
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0102_Njoku.pdf||Introduction/Mission Science]] E. Njoku
SMAP Mission Status K. Kellogg
SMAP Measurement System R. West
SMAP Science Data System T. Bicknell
Gridding/Projections & Algorithm Testbed
Status S. Dunbar
Algorithms Workshop Session
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0201_Moghaddam.pdf||Algorithms Workshop Expectations]] M. Moghaddam
Level 1 Radiometer D. Hudson
Level 1 Radar R. West
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0230_L3_SM_ONeill2.pdf||Level 3 40 km Soil Moisture]] P. ONeill
Level 3 Hi-Res Soil Moisture J. van Zyl
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0250_Das.pdf||Level 3 A/P Soil Moisture]] N. Das
Level 3 Freeze/Thaw K. McDonald
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0270_L4_SM_Reichle.pdf||Level 4 Soil Moisture]] R. Reichle
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0280_L4_C_Kimball.pdf||Level 4 Carbon]] J. Kimball
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0295_1-sliders.pdf||Algorithm Short Presentations]] A. Freeman/R. Bindlish/T. Holmes/
R. Lang/B. Hornbuckle/L. Li/J. Shi/
L. Tsang/A. Tabatabaeenejad/Y. Du/
X. Xu/T. Zhang/Z. Haddad
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0299_moghaddam-summary.pdf||Summary||]] M. Moghaddam
Cal/Val Workshop Session
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0301_Jackson.pdf||Cal/Val Workshop Expectations]] T. Jackson
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0302_Jackson.pdf||Overview of Draft SMAP Cal/Val Plan]] T. Jackson/J. Kimball
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0303a_L1CalVal.pdf||L1 Algorithm Requirements/Short Presentations]] J. Piepmeier/R. West/
E. Kim/M. Brogioni
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0303b_L3-4CalVal1.pdf||L3-L4 Algorithm Requirements||]] P. ONeill/J. Shi/
N. Das/J. Kimball
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0320_Jackson.pdf||In Situ Network Data Acquisition & Integration]] T. Jackson
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0321_Schaeffer.pdf||USDA/NRCS Soil-Climate Monitoring Networks]] G. Schaeffer
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0322_Wilson.pdf||US Climate Reference Network (USCRN)]] T. Wilson
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0323_Basara.pdf||The Oklahoma Mesonet]] J. Basara
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0324_Cosh.pdf||USDA/ARS Watersheds]] M. Cosh
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0325_Zreda.pdf||The COSMOS Network]] M. Zreda
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0326_Small.pdf||Soil Moisture Sensing Using GPS Receivers]] E. Small
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0328_Cosh.pdf||In Situ Testbed]] M. Cosh
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0331_Famiglietti.pdf||Methodologies for Scaling]] J. Famiglietti
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0332_Cosh.pdf||Ground Validation Using Temporal Stability]] M. Cosh
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0333_Mohanty.pdf||Soil Moisture Physical Controls and Time Stability]] B. Mohanty
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0334_Crow.pdf||Role of Land Surface Modeling]] W. Crow
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0336_shorts.pdf||In Situ Networks & Scaling/Short
Presentations]] A. Robock/S. Steele-Dunne/
J. Basara/W. Crow/
M. Moghaddam/M. Brogioni
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0340_Jackson_Kimball.pdf||Design of Optimal Validation Sites]] T. Jackson/J. Kimball
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0350_Jackson.pdf||Satellite Resources and Role in SMAP Cal/Val]] T. Jackson/J. Kimball
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0351_Kerr.pdf||SMOS-SMAP Synergisms]] Y. Kerr
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0352_LeVine.pdf||Aquarius]] D. LeVine
[[LINK||FILE:smap2/0353_Koike.pdf||JAXAs Contributions]] T. Koike