Meetings & Workshops
SMAP Cal/Val Workshop #2, Oxnard, CA
May 2, 2011 - May 4, 2011
The workshop focused on plans for calibration and validation (Cal/Val) of SMAP science products. The workshop provided a forum for over 90 scientists from around the world to review the Cal/Val plan, exchange expert information, resolve key issues, and develop implementation plans.
The SMAP Cal/Val Plan is a mission requirement. The plan addresses both pre- and post-launch Cal/Val activities undertaken to ensure the generation of high quality products and definitive validation of the products. In the pre-launch phase, the Cal/Val focus is primarily on algorithm development and establishment of infrastructure for the post-launch validation.
At the 1st Cal/Val Workshop, science community involvement and activities were initiated to support SMAP Cal/Val objectives. These activities included plans for field campaigns, development of tower and aircraft-based simulators and methods for integrating the diverse in situ resources available for validation.
At the 2nd Cal/Val Workshop, results to date were reviewed and plans developed for the coming year.
Continued participation in SMAP Cal/Val activities by the broad science community through this and future workshops will be of great importance to the SMAP mission.
Agenda (PDF, 11 KB)
Workshop presentations are posted below as available.
Workshop Goals and Expectations (PDF, 1.08 MB) T. Jackson
NASA HQ Programs and Projects Related to SMAP J. Entin
SMAP Mission Status (PDF, 8.75 MB) K. Kellogg
SMAP Science Plan E. Njoku
L1 Product Cal/Val Requirements: Overview A. Colliander
- L1 Radar Cal/Val Requirements R. West
- L1 Radiometer Cal/Val Requirements (PDF, 744 KB) E. Kim
L2 Soil Moisture Cal/Val Requirements (PDF, 1.34 MB) M. Moghaddam
L3 Freeze/Thaw Cal/Val Requirements (PDF, 4.5 MB) K. McDonald
L4 Product Cal/Val Requirements (PDF, 4.9 MB) R. Reichle / J. Kimball
Discussion of Algorithm Requirements (PDF, 1.29 MB) P. O’Neill
Discussion of Field Experiment Objectives (PDF, 363 KB) T. Jackson
CanEx-SM10 Experiment
- Overview (PDF, 697 KB) S. Belair
- Airborne Radiometer Measurements (PDF, 5.57 MB) A. Walker
- Incidence Angle Normalization of UAVSAR (PDF, 1.05 MB) I. Mladenova
- Interferometry with UAVSAR (PDF, 20.47 MB) S. Hensley
- Ground measurements over Kenaston Area (PDF, 4.8 MB) B. Toth
- Ground measurements over BERMS Area (PDF, 3.51 MB) M. Moghaddam
- Preliminary Evaluation of Results (PDF, 14.75 MB) M. Magagi
- Summary and Availability (PDF, 1.26 MB) M. Magagi
SMAPEx Campaigns (PDF, 31.06 MB) J. Walker
Discussion on Future Field Experiments (PDF, 577 KB) T. Jackson
Related Instruments and Projects
- ComRAD (PDF, 5.48 MB) P. O’Neill
- PALS/CARVE A. Colliander
- UAVSAR S. Hensley
- AirMOSS M. Moghaddam
Development of Pre-Launch Freeze/Thaw Experiment (PDF, 12.2 MB) S. Belair / K. McDonald
Aquarius (PDF, 1.11 MB) D. Le Vine
- Status and Cal/Val Program (PDF, 7.32 MB) M. Drusch
- Validation Results (PDF, 4.26 MB) Y. Kerr
- SMOS and In Situ Measurements (PDF, 14.88 MB) A. Robock
In Situ Sensor Testbed
- ISST Overview and Operations (PDF, 4.05 MB) M. Cosh / T. Ocher
- COSMOS installations (PDF, 1.85 MB) M. Zreda
- GPS installations (PDF, 2.12 MB) E. Small
Up-Scaling Methodologies
- Up-Scaling for SMAP Cal/Val (PDF, 1.68 MB) W. Crow
- Soil Moisture Physical Controls Across Scales (PDF, 7.71 MB) B. Mohanty
- Soil Moisture Variability At Large Scales (PDF, 23.18 MB) A. Berg
In Situ Site Overview (PDF, 1.79 MB) T. Jackson
In situ site presentations listed below
National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) (PDF, 30.29 MB) E. Ayers
NSF Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) (PDF, 24.2 MB) H. Lin
Global Change Observation Mission - Water (GCOM-W) (PDF, 972 KB) I. Kaihotsu
Vietnam Program (PDF, 8.15 MB) D. Chung
SwissSMEX (PDF, 2.08 MB) H. Mittelbach
International Soil Moisture Working Group (PDF, 5.69 MB) P. van Oevelen
CEOS Land Product Validation Team on Soil Moisture (PDF, 107 KB) T. Jackson
Soil Moisture Product Validation Issues (PDF, 1.96 MB) M. Drusch
International Soil Moisture Network (PDF, 8.33 MB) W. Dorigo
Development of SMAP Cal/Val Data Archiving Plan A. Colliander
Discussion and Actions T. Jackson
In Situ Site Presentations
Yanco Validation Site, Australia (see SMAPEx Campaigns above) J. Walker
USDA-ARS Watershed Networks, USA (PDF, 1.63 MB) M. Cosh
South Fork Site, Iowa (PDF, 2.37 MB) M. Cosh
Iowa State U. Site (PDF, 9.54 MB) B. Hornbuckle
Mexican Riverine Ecosystem Site (PDF, 3.45 MB) J. Ramos
Saskatchewan and Ontario Sites, Canada (PDF, 3.29 MB) A. Berg
Tibetan Plateau and Twente Sites (PDF, 14.18 MB) R. van der Velde
Kuwait Desert Site (PDF, 2.62 MB) H. Al Jassar
Rur Catchment, Germany (PDF, 15.34 MB) F. Jonard
SAOCOM sites, Argentina (PDF, 760 KB) M. Thibeault
Climate Reference Network (CRN), USA (PDF, 580 KB) M. Palecki
GPS network, USA (PDF, 1.35 MB) E. Small
Millbrook, New York (PDF, 1.48 MB) M. Temimi
MicroWEX Site, Florida (PDF, 4.39 MB) J. Judge
Petzenkirchen Catchment, Austria (PDF, 4.13 MB) W. Dorigo
San Joaquin Valley, California (PDF, 3.5 MB) J. Hopmans
Sodankyla-Pallas, Finland (PDF, 2.39 MB) K. Rautiainen
SoilSCAPE at Tonzi Ranch, California (PDF, 1.72 MB) M. Moghaddam
U. Michigan Biological Station (PDF, 1.66 MB) V. Ivanov
Harvard Forest, Massachusetts (PDF, 4.93 MB) B. Munger
For questions and further information please contact either:
Dr. Thomas Jackson
USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab
Beltsville, MD 20705
Dr. Andreas Colliander
Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Pasadena, CA 91109