Meetings & Workshops
SMAP Canadian Workshop 2017
May 16, 2017 - May 17, 2017The main objective of this meeting was to reflect on achievements of the Canadian SMAP Team regarding data utilization, algorithm development, calibration / validation, and data impact evaluation. The meeting provided an opportunity for all the scientists involved to present the results of their studies, and discuss aspects that remain to be examined until the end of this current round of SMAP projects (early in 2018). The workshop was also useful for distribution of information by SMAP Project on the current status of the mission, and for discussions related to future (post-project) opportunities.
Day 1
1. Welcome by John Livernois, VP research Guelph University
2. Agenda for the workshop (Stephane Belair, ECCC)
Topic: Status of SMAP Mission
3. SMAP project status (Simon Yueh, JPL)
4. SMAP status and science results (Dara Entekhabi, MIT)
5. SMAP enhanced passive soil moisture products and future plans (Steven Chan, JPL)
Topic: SMAP Cal/Val Activities
6. Cal/val activities related to SMAP (Aaron Berg, U. Guelph)
Topic: SMAPVEX16
7. Overview (Tom Jackson, USDA)
8. SMAPVEX16 Manitoba and assessment of VWC for SMAP Cal/Val Pixel (Heather McNairn, AAFC)
9. Up-scaling of SMAPVEX16 soil moisture field data (Jarrett Powers, AAFC)
10. Temporal transferability of soil moisture calibration equations (Tracy Rowlandson, U. Guelph)
11. PALS Tb and soil moisture data from SMAPVEX16 (Andreas Colliander, JPL)
12. Mapping vegetation water content in the red river basin during SMAPVEX16 (Michael Cosh, USDA)
13. Retrieving soil moisture and vegetation parameters from L- and C-band microwave data (Ramata Magagi, U. Sherbrooke)
Day 2
Topic: SMAP Freeze/Thaw
1. Status of SMAP F/T Product (Chris Derksen, ECCC)
2. Use of ground-based radiometers for L-band F/T retrieval in a boreal forest site (Alexandre Roy, U. Sherbrooke)
3. F/T monitoring in Nunavik (Monique Bernier, INRS-ETE)
Topic: Data Assimilation
4. Assimilation of SMAP data in an ecosystem model for improving terrestrial carbon cycle estimation (Jing Chen, U. Toronto)
5. Impact of SMAP data in ECCC's numerical predictions (Marco Carrera, ECCC)
6. SMAP and its importance for the next generation of ECCC's land data assimilation systems (b) (Stephane Belair, ECCC)
Topic: Other Aspects of the Project
7. Simulation and SMAP observation of sun-glint over land surface at L-band (Liming He, U. Toronto)
8. Monitoring agri-environmental risk using satellite soil moisture from SMAP (Catherine Champagne, AAFC)
9. Update from CSA, new projects and science advisory committees (Robert Saint-Jean, CSA)