Meetings & Workshops
SMAP Cal/Val Workshop #8, Amherst, MA
June 20, 2017 - June 22, 2017This workshop focused on the calibration and validation (Cal/Val) of SMAP science data products. The workshop provided a forum for scientists from around the world to participate in implementing the SMAP Cal/Val plan, assessing performance to date, exchanging expert information and resolving key issues.
The SMAP Cal/Val Plan addresses Cal/Val activities undertaken to ensure the generation of high quality products and definitive validation of the products after launch. These activities include instrument calibration and a suite of validation methodologies that include core validations sites, sparse observing networks, intercomparisons with other satellite missions providing similar products, model-based intercomparisons, and field campaigns.
All products were assessed and plans for further evaluation and improvement were discussed. Results of recent field campaigns were reviewed. A specific focus of the workshop was to conduct the initial planning for field experiments to support algorithm enhancements for forest biomes. Continued participation in SMAP Cal/Val activities by the broad science community is of importance to the SMAP mission.
Day 1
1. Workshop Objectives (T. Jackson)
2. SMAP Mission Status, New Products and Timeline (H. You)
3. Science and Applications Update (S. Yueh)
Topic: Validating New Products and Product Updates and Plans
4. Recalibration and Validation of the SMAP L-band Radiometer (J. Peng)
5. Soil Moisture Passive Product Enhancements (S. Chan)
6. Calibration and Validation of the SMAP and Sentinel Based Active-Passive High Resolution Soil Moisture Product (N. Das)
7. L3 Freeze/Thaw Products and Cal/Val Activities (X. Xu)
8. SMAP L4 Soil Moisture (L4SM) Product Updates (J. Kolassa)
9. SMAP L4 Carbon (L4C) Product Assessment, Status and Plans (N. Madani)
Topic: Field Experiment Results
10. SMAPVEX16 Overview (T. Jackson)
11. Overview of SMAPVEX16-Iowa Ground Operations (M. Cosh)
12. SMAPVEX16-Iowa Tower Radiometer (J. Judge)
13. Soil Surface Roughness Measurements During SMAPVEX16-Iowa (B. Hornbuckle) (Part 2)
14. SMAPVEX16-Manitoba Data and Analysis (M. Friesen)
15. PALS SMAPVEX16 (A. Colliander)
16. SMAPEx Overview (J. Walker)
17. Water Contamination Correction for SMAP (J. Chaubell)
Topic: Validation Studies (Contributed)
18. Soil Moisture Variability from Hillslope to SMAP Grid Scale over Iowa (W. Krajewski)
19. The Hydrologic Understory: Soil Moisture in the Wetland Habitat (C. Hatch)
20. Enhancing the Information Content and Utilization of SMAP Products for Agricultural Applications (J. Bolten)
Day 2
Topic: Validation Methodology Status
1. SMAP Core Validation Site Status (A. Colliander)
2. Application of Triple Collocation for SMAP Validation (W. Crow)
3. NEON's Soil Moisture Measurements and Potential for Scaling (E. Ayres)
4. NEON Terrestrial Observation System Vegetation Measurements and Integration with Remote Sensing (C. Meier)
5. NEON Discussion
6. Satellite Intercomparisons (R. Bindlish)
Topic: Cal/Val Partners Analyses and Plans
7. Status on the USDA-ARS Watersheds for SMAP (M. Cosh)
8. The TxSON Data Set: Soil Moisture at Nested Scales (T. Caldwell)
9. Mesoscale Eurasia Soil Moisture Soil Temperature Networks: Tibet-Obs and Twente (Y. Zeng)
10. SAOCOM Soil Moisture Networks in Argentina (M. Thibeault)
11. NISAR Mission Overview (P. Siquera)
12. NISAR Ecology (P. Siquera)
13. NISAR Cal/Val Plan (B. Chapman)
Topic: Validation Studies (Contributed)
14. Soil Moisture Validation Plan for WCOM (J. Shi)
15. Use of Ground-Based Radiometers for L-Band Freeze/Thaw Retrieval in a Boreal Forest Site (A. Roy)
16. Evaluation of Seven Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Products using the CRN and COSMOS Networks (S. Stillman)
19. A Neural Network Approach to Retrieve and Assimilate SMAP Soil Moisture (J. Kolassa)
22. Disaggregation of Passive Microwave Soil Moisture using Land Surface Temperature and Vegetation Data (B. Fang)
23. Classification Based on Polarimetric Parameters: An Example using ALOS 2 Images over the Pampas Core Site (M. Palomeque)
Day 3
Topic: Retrieving Soil Moisture for Biomes with High Levels of Vegetation
1. Forest Emission at L-Band: Modeling, Applications and the Experience of SMOS (P. Ferrazzoli)
2. Passive Sensing of Soil Moisture over Forested Terrain (R. Lang)
3. Remote Sensing Theory of Vegetation Canopy using 3D Numerical Solutions of Maxwell Equations for SMAP Applications (H. Huang)
4. Radiometer-Based Surface Soil Moisture Including Higher-Order Soil-Canopy Interactions (A. Feldman)
5. Planning for SMAPVEX19 (T. Jackson)
Dr. Tom Jackson
USDA ARS Hydrology and Remote Sensing Lab Beltsville, MD 20705
Dr. Andreas Colliander
Jet Propulsion Laboratory Pasadena, CA 91109